Pressure gauge holder for compact rectangular instruments ProtoXide that allows you to transform the rectangular instrument into a 52mm round instrument!
Excellent impact, it is not necessary to bring the hose up into the passenger compartment as the kit includes a pressure sensor, which transforms the pressure into an impulse, and therefore it is necessary to bring only a thin electrical cable inside the car.
Bocchetta Fiat Grandepunto portastrumenti sagomata per installare 2 manometri rettangolari Protoxide e uno rotondo da 52mm, permettendo di avere il manometro rivolto verso chi guida e mantenere allo stesso tempo la ventilazione aria. Fantastico look
Compact ProtoXide round instrument nozzle to be inserted instead of the original air nozzle for Fiat 500Abarth and non-Abarth models without having to make any modifications! It is used to install two of our compact rectangular tools
Aluminum instrument holder already carved ready to insert instruments for different applications. It can be used for different cars as it is also easily editable.
Mini Cooper R53 and R56 instrument panel nozzle to install 52mm pressure gauge, allowing the pressure gauge to be placed next to the steering wheel facing the driver.
Fiat Grandepunto shaped nozzle to install any 60mm pressure gauge, allowing the pressure gauge to be turned towards the driver and maintaining air ventilation at the same time. Great look with the deep red detail frame.
Nozzle for gauge holder for Audi TT - TTRS to install any 52 or better 60mm gauge, allowing the gauge to be turned towards the driver. Fantastic look with the intense red detail frame which integrates perfectly into this car. The pressure gauge is not included and must be purchased separately
Aluminum instrument holder already carved ready to insert instruments for different applications. Made for Fiat Punto GT but can also be used for other cars as it is easily modified.