This unit "Plug and Play" Lancia Delta allows it to be replaced to the original, as it has the usual comb attachment thanks to a harness made by us already included in the price, which allows it to be installed on the usual comb original.
You have to do well but be careful because this does not mean that the internal mapping is suitable for all engines (and not prepared, and increased injectors ..) it will be necessary for you to realize that your own setup after the car is game. (For this is already inserted a base map to enable start *
Fully programmable via software included English that works in REAL TIME.
Among the many features are present Launch controll, and Bang-Bang or Anti-Lag.
NO OTHER COMPONENTS SOLD SEPARATELY! Although it is highly recommended that you install appropriate equipment to carry out a mapping of the art
This eliminates the two ensori aps original as this unit has already inside sun sensor pressure up to 4.5 bar absolute
And 'possible via a collegamente 3 wires also connect theOur digital dashboard, Sold separately.
This unit is able to detect, in the event of an error, whether it is an error on the wire or on the sensor and uses the usual malfunction indicator light (picture injector) for indicarvelo in case of failure even without a PC connected via flashing.
The software is included and runs on all Windows operating systems (including Seven) on a PC running Microsoft
It 'also included the serial cable connection to the control unit which becomes using a usb drive usb not included.
For those who wish, you can also buy a motor wiring, so as to replace dated car.
The assistance is for mapping that for the installation are to be considered supplementary costs affordablehereand whoever buys it should be responsible for the installation and make sure you meet all the requirements necessary for mapping tecncie
This unit allows you to turn a car into a turbo intake or carburetor injection or to take the place of your original unit for a complete engine management and dashboard.
This control unit allows to set a threshold from 0-5 volts that when exceeding a selected voltage activates a relay such as the prot oxide relay or any other activation
HAYABUSA engine control unit transformed into Turbo 1300 with dedicated wiring and CDI IGNITION with original tone wheel sensors, rpm sensor and phase sensor all as standard, no modifications to be made.