Specify whether or not you want the 'elimination of the EGR pipe
Conducted 8v head circular patterns.
Not suitable for Grande Punto MJet.
For the realization of this manifold are used in industrial CNC tube bending and welding with TIG technology with gas to prevent internal sbrodolature.
In fact, if the pipes are dripping inside, these exclusion may cause the detachment of pieces of welded material can cause damage to the turbocharger.
Our collector welds only where strictly necessary.
Exhaust Manifold for Volkswagen Golf 110 which allows you to install the turbocharger of the BMW 330d. Complete with reinforced pleats and ramti nuts and studs for high temperatures.
Oversized stainless steel exhaust downpipe, without catalytic converter, can be installed on all Alfa Fiat Lancia Jtd engines with 115 - 120 - 140-150-170 hp 8-16v.
ProtoXide 4-digit digital rectangular exhaust temperature gauge with red or blue display, compact, EGT pressure gauge complete with PROFESSIONAL yellow probe, and ultra fast . Enthusiasts and professionals know this tool perfectly and consider it the best reference EGT exhaust tool, given its absolute precision and speed compared to all other tools on the market. ProtoXide in fact decided to build this very fast and precise EGT which allows it to be the only instrument with non-volatile memory , meaning that even if the panel is turned off the measurement of the maximum peak reached will not be lost!