Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Internal 4mm deep blue silicone hose, very useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
Heat protection sheath that can be used to cover the passage of fuel pipes or electrical wires of the wiring or oil pipes of the turbocharger. This sock has an external part in black silicone rubber and is self-extinguishing with a light colored fiberglass interior.