Enable or disable up to 4 relays from a 12 volt supply with the simple press of one of the 4 buttons on your remote. Normally used to open or close exhaust throttles, change maps, or toggle something on/off, screw terminals
With this module improperly called digital relay, you can simply activate, keep activated or pulse a load up to 100 amps with a pulse from 3 to 28 volts.
Adjustable timer from 1 second up to 16 minutes which allows you to activate or deactivate, for example, a fan, a solenoid or to switch off the engine after a pre-set time by pressing a button.
Turn any electrical component on or off with a 12 volt power supply with the push of a button on your remote. Typically used to open or close exhaust flaps or turn something on/off.
Activate mapping 1 or mapping 2 directly with a simple push of a button on the remote control. An easy way to avoid having to install visible buttons only for all Unichip ECUs, any model and many other ECUs.
Silicone hose intense blue, useful for connecting Pop Off, Wastegate and actuators in general or passages of liquids such as water, not suitable for oil.
ProtoXide 4-digit digital rectangular exhaust temperature gauge with red or blue display, compact, EGT pressure gauge complete with PROFESSIONAL yellow probe, and ultra fast . Enthusiasts and professionals know this tool perfectly and consider it the best reference EGT exhaust tool, given its absolute precision and speed compared to all other tools on the market. ProtoXide in fact decided to build this very fast and precise EGT which allows it to be the only instrument with non-volatile memory , meaning that even if the panel is turned off the measurement of the maximum peak reached will not be lost!