Turbochargers used on outgoing exhaust gas, exhaust systems, mufflers, or for other applications using cable ties of this type.
Applicable up to about 1000 degrees (clearly referring to the temperature of the gas inside the muffler)
The fastening technology with v-band clamps allows disassembly and reassembly much faster for this called "prontocorsa" (only a bolt to dismount the flange of the turbocharger instead of the usual four bolts), also allows not to have a seal that can yield heat and aging and also requires less space than traditional flanges together with a best ease of disassembly.
Garrett turbocharger V-band flange for Garrett GTX28 scroll. If you need to build a downpipe or already have a downpipe and need to modify it to install the Garrett GTX28 turbo, this vband ring flange is the one you need in stainless steel. 2
V-band closing clamp can be used on the exhaust scroll exit on first and second generation Garrett GT28 GTX28 turbochargers on the exhaust gas muffler exit side. 2.5
Exhaust ring v-band flange for Alfa Rome Giulietta and ALFAROMEO 4C K03 - K04 stainless steel muffler downpipe outlet. If you need to make a downpipe or you already have a downpipe and you need to modify it this vband ring flange is the one you need.
V-band flange ring turbocharger scroll Garrett GTX30 exhaust OUTPUT downpipe stainless steel muffler. If you need to build a downpipe or already have a downpipe and need to modify it, this vband ring flange is the one you need. 1
Flangia V-band per turbocompressore Garrett G25 550 e Garrett G25 660 lato USCITA per realizzarsi un downpipe. Se devi realizzarti un downpipe oppure hai già un downpipe e devi modificarlo per installare il turbo Garrett G25 550 o G25 660 questa flangia ad anello vband in acciaio Inox è quella che serve a te.
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Clamp closing V-band can be used on other applications such as turbochargers or discharges or mufflers. IS
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