Do you have an exhaust manifold with an external wastegate connection and you want to close it because you don't want to use the external wastegate? this is the kit you need and includes:
1 v band flange with relative cap, thus allowing you to close the hole on the exhaust manifold without having to make any welding.
1 Protoxide clamp with v-band attachment that allows you to tighten the hole perfectly
Indicate which wastegate model it is 38mm or 44mm, the 38mm carries a 55.3mm round flange
V-band flange Garrett G25 550 and G25 660 turbocharger exhaust manifold side. If you need to make an exhaust manifold or you already have a manifold you must modify it to install the Garrett G25 550 or G24 660 turbo, this vband ring flange is the one you need.
V-band closing clamp can be used on the exhaust scroll exit on first and second generation Garrett GTX30 - GTX35 turbochargers on the exhaust gas muffler exit side. 2.75..
ProtoXide V-band clamp can be used on turbochargers with Tial steel scroll for the Garrett GT25-GT28-GT30-G35 versions or other applications such as exhausts or mufflers such as Tial turbochargers to close the exhaust ring with the turbocharger ring.
Vband clamp kit and steel ring flanges (no stainless steel) Vband clamp kit and V-band flange rings for Garrett GT2260 turbocharger exhaust gas inlet and internally inclined vBand exhaust muffler outlet.